Monday, February 13, 2012

Apathy & Political Engagement

According to Dave Meslin, in order to overcome apathy as it relates to the governmental process, we need to dismantle the current systems that sustain political disengagement.  Although Meslin is speaking about Canada, his analysis is transferable to the American political system and citizen participation in governance structures:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gloria Steinem on Rape in War, Its Causes, and How to Stop It

"Conflict is not the only or even the primary normalizer of the extremes of "masculine" and "feminine." Those roles at home are the normalizers of conflict." - Gloria Steinem

This article is possibly the best analysis I've read thus far regarding gendered socialization in regards to rape, war, and political policy.  This article is an absolute must-read:  The Atlantic - "Rape in War, Its Causes, and How to Stop It"